Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bad headaches from bang on head supports total benefits

Claimant established hitting his head while getting out of a manhole warranted life-time benefits, in a  decision affirmed by the Commission.  Schroer v City of Fulton, 2016 MO WCLR Lexis 5 (Jan 20, 2016).

Claimant is a 42-year old  a public employee who states he hit his head in 2006.  He claims he developed debilitating headaches.  An expert felt a pre-existing cavernous malformation contributed to his current symptoms.  Claimant stopped working 3 years later in 2009 and reports he has numbness, double vision and memory problems.   His wife testified that he "has changed."  Experts disputed whether or not he had PTSD. 

The ALJ awarded PTD against the employer along with life-time medical benefits.

ALJ:  Ruth
Atty:  Hines, Turner, Ahrens
Experts:  Daniel, Stillings, England, Weimholt