Sunday, November 15, 2020

Commission awards medical bills to rule out heart attack

 Thomas Runyan v Woodbridge Corporation

Release Date:  Nov. 6, 2020 (Accident date Feb 5, 2015)

Venue:  St. Charles 

Plot Summary:  A 65-year old retired employee with a prior heart attack  reports acute chest pain in an admitted accident when he felt a pop in his chest at work.  Claimant underwent a cardiac work-up and he was diagnosed with costochondritis.  The Commission in a 2-1 decision affirms an award of  12.5% BAW PPD  plus medical bills of $8788  to "rule out" a heart condition.  A dissent felt the PPD was excessive for an essentially untreated condition and the "cardiac" bills did not flow from any compensable medical condition.   



Landolt, ALJ



