Ramadan Hajdini v Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch
New Hampshire Ins. Co.
Release Date: Jan 10, 2020 (Accident date July 19, 2015)
Venue: St. Louis
Plot Summary: Claimant sustained an undisputed knee contusion when he was struck by a table and underwent a diagnostic arthroscopy to rule out a suspected meniscus tear. No tear was identified but the surgeon debrided "degenerative" chondromalacia. Within about 2 weeks claimant sustained a DVT/PE The Commission affirms 2-1 a denial of future medical related to the clot.
Inj. No. 15-052459
Keaveny, ALJ
Memorable Quotes:
"There is no persuasive evidence that the work injury caused the idiopathic condition of thrombophilia, which resulted in the singular incident of DVT and PE. …. We are not persuaded of the need for continuing or future medical treatment of these conditions resulting from he work injury."
Comments: Employer had provided more than $50,000 in medical and disability benefits. The commission found the DVT/PE may have reasonably flowed from the surgery. The surgeon felt the primary reason was a clotting mutation, Factor V Leiden. The ALJ regarded the synovial chondromatosis did not reasonably flow from the work injury" and denied future medical for DVT/PE following a normal CT scan.
What's it worth?
6% knee