Haag v Terry Snelling
2018 MO WCLR LEXIS 234
DOLIR 10-10-2018
Inj. No. 17-041850
The Commission 3-0 affirms a temporary award for treatment for the low back following a 2017 accident in which the claimant alleges he hurt his back from lifting concrete and developed new radiculopathy.
The defense relied upon an expert that the 39 year claimant sustained a strain or sprain. The ALJ found claimant's symptoms distinguishable from prior episodes of back pain treated with a chiropractor who had never diagnosed radiculopathy. Claimant could not identify a specific date of accident. Dr. Hess recommended a course of treatment that might include surgery.
ALK Siedlik
Atty: Kolich
Experts: Hess, Ebelke