Mark Hundley v Conagra
Release Date: 3/31/2021 (Accident date: 2014)
Venue: Boone County
Plot Summary: Commission affirms a denial of a claim based on a defense of failure to prove accident when claimant alleges he hit his head when he was a restrained driver wearing a hard hat and his seat suddenly moved forward causing him to his his head.
A defense expert contends there was no evidence he sustained a head injury and complaints of unsteadiness more likely could be attributed to non-traumatic diabetic neuropathy and left visual defect was more likely due to diabetic condition than a brain injury. Claimant's expert based opinions on a flawed medical history that the hard hat was shattered.
A dissent felt claimant established an accident but failed to prove injury by accident due to equivocal medical opinion about the cause of any traumatic brain injury.
Young, ALJ
Netemeyer, atty
Neumeyer, atty